With the heat wave that just passed through the Pacific Northwest, the perfect opportunity popped up to discuss pet safety and how to keep your cat cool in the Summer heat.  Last year we posted about keeping dogs cool but left out the pets that are stuck inside all day. As true for most of us in the PNW, my home does not have air conditioning. Last weekend I had four cats sprawled out and miserable on the hardwood floor trying to cool off- it was heartbreaking. I want you to have the tools you need to help all the animals in your house. The following information will do that. Learn what signs to watch for and what to do to help.

Watch For Signs:

Watch your pets closely on the hotter days this Summer. Your pet will tell you they are hot. Heat stress can be seen with increased thirst, shade-seeking, restlessness, and in dogs- panting. Heat Exhaustion strikes when they become dizzy, weak, unable to stand for long periods of time, and in cats- panting. Make sure to listen to your pet, give him water and make sure he has a shaded area with good air circulation to rest in.

Keep Your Cat Cool:

Animals are not impervious to the weather. As we discussed last year, our pets do not have the same ability to release heat throughout their bodies as we do. Cats and dogs release heat though their paws and by panting. That being said, panting in a cat is a lot more worrisome than in our dogs, so let’s focus on their toe-beans!

Heat rises, so focus on the floor: areas of tile or hardwood are going to be more appealing to your feline friends in the Summer heat. Fans in rooms with these floors will help the floors cooler and the heat in the air. Place a dry or lightly damp towel in the freezer. Putting that frozen towel on the floor can offer a happy cold spot to lay. That same towel or an ice pack can be placed in a small enclosed area such as a large cat carrier to cool the whole space.
More active cats can be given toys from the freezer or even an ice cube to play with. Batting around the cool items puts them in direct contact with those paw pads to start cooling them down.

Call your Vet:

If you are worried about your cat being overheated, or you think they are experiencing heat exhaustion, notify your veterinarian immediately.

This was: How to Keep your Cat Cool in the Summer Heat
Shayla, LVT
Seatown Veterinary Care

Check our more Summer Safety tips from the ASPCA at https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/hot-weather-safety-tips
Check out the article we posted last year at  https://seatownvet.com/how-do-you-cool-down-your-dog/